Course Descriptions
POL 115 – International History and Political Thought Through the reading of classical texts of major political thinkers including Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Kant, Locke and Rousseau students will examine the origins and development of contemporary political concepts such as power, conflict, state, freedom, justice, equality, peace, representation or legitimacy. The focus is both theoretical and historical as a key objective of this course will be to place ideas and concepts in their historical context. This course will also broaden students' intellectual horizon in analyzing non-Western traditions of thought. The course will also seek to show the links between political philosophy, the theory of international relations and international politics.6.00
FR B – French The objective of the course is to acquire a basic knowledge of French. At the end of term, students should have a basic understanding of French and be in a position to communicate in a simple way.6.00
PSY 223 – Social Psychology This course is designed to provide students with a general introduction to Social Psychology. Students will analyse the structures and properties of human groups and understand how they influence individual behaviour and vice versa. Topics include group dynamics, development of role relationships, development of attitude and prejudice, persuasion and propaganda and application of principles and theories of social psychology in everyday life.6.00
ECO 235 – Economics This course introduces students to the role of supply and demand in determining market prices. The importance of consumers and firms on supply and demand is emphasized.6.00
MKG 115 – Fundamentals of Digital Marketing The course provides students with an introduction to all basic principles and concepts of Marketing. It covers the marketing mix, the value creation, customer satisfaction and loyalty. It also covers direct and on-line marketing.6.00
POL 114 – International Relations Theories This course introduces students to the main issues and concepts of international relations. It discusses major theoretical approaches - liberalism, realism, constructivism, critical theories, feminism, the English School, Marxism and the Green Theory - and their application and limits in analyzing international events. The students will review and critically debate these theories during the course.6.00
MGT 100 – Principles of Management The course introduces the basic concepts, theories and principles on how a company/organization functions today. Students will learn the challenges modern managers face in running their departments and the company overall. It emphasizes how to make decisions, set objectives, budget and allocate resources, recruit the right people, plan and control in a modern company/organization.6.00
CPS 207 – Creative Problem Solving Creative Problem Solving is a course designed to assist students in analyzing case studies from simple to complex. Using a variety of problem solving techniques, students will learn how to reach the best solution using the sixth step problem solving process.6.00
ENV 141 – Sustainability and Development Sustainable Development is a course that demonstrates the need for examining the linkages among economic, social, technological, and environmental issues in achieving a sustainable global society. Building on the multi-disciplinary nature of environmental studies, the course incorporates various aspects of economics, social engineering, ethics, politics, and science. The course discusses strategies, legislations, innovations and best practices for more sustainable economies in the future.6.00
STA 243 – Introduction to Statistics & Probability The course builds upon and expands the knowledge acquired in mathematics by introducing statistical methods such as inference, intervals of confidence, hypothesis testing and multiple regression technique.6.00
POL 215 – Peace and Conflict Studies This course explores the concept of war and peace, outlining the major theories of security studies and international relations. International crises are analyzed as an opportunity for problem solving by using multilateral diplomacy. The course focuses on peace operations and actors such as states, international organizations and civil society.6.00
POL 260 – Comparative Politics The course will examine the varied political systems that are found in over 200 nation-states today. It will seek to examine the main institutional similarities and differences across regions and states, and how they are impacting the structure of politics at the domestic level. This course provides insights into the main debates, research questions, methodological issues and key findings of the scholarship.6.00
CSC 210 – Management Decision Making The goal of this course is to introduce students to how decision analysis and processes are carried out in businesses and how data is used to improve performance and make better decisions at all levels of organizations. Students will also have the opportunity to practice the concepts/methods learnt through hands-on exercises using some commercial applications/tools.6.00
COM 220 – Communication Skills This course examines the strategies and skills necessary to make successful business presentations. Students will develop their communication skills and examine the components of informative and persuasive presentations, both written and oral.6.00
ACC 105 – Fundamentals of Accounting This course describes the fundamentals of accounting, the objective is to familiarize students with the use of financial statements, journals, ledgers and business transactions.6.00
POL 310 – International Political Economy This course is an introduction to international political economy, the study of how and why international economic policies are formed, and how the international economy influences regional and domestic politics. The course will discuss the varying explanatory power of different approaches by applying them to contemporary issues such as the rise of emerging economies, trade and development debate or regionalism. This course will provide the background and the necessary perspectives to understand the politics of global economic relations.6.00
MGT 320 – Operations and Project Management This course provides the knowledge and skills required to manage complex global supply chains. Global supply chain management involves coordinating and streamlining the flow and transformation of goods, services, information and funds within companies around the world to maximize customer value and gain a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.6.00
MGT 305 – Human Resources Management This course provides an introduction to key HRM functions found in modern organizations such as: effective job design, staff selection, evaluation, reward systems, management development and organizational training.6.00
LAW 310 – Public International Law and International Organizations This undergraduate course explores the international legal system and the role of international organizations in shaping global governance. It specifically examines the role of the United Nations in promoting peace and security worldwide. Students will gain a better understanding of law-making processes, the institutional arrangements for monitoring compliance, and the enforcement mechanisms in various global governance areas. The course will assess the legitimacy of the existing institutional architecture and explore potential avenues for improvement6.00
POL 225 – Foreign Policy Analysis This course is an introduction to Foreign Policy Analysis, a subfield of International Relations. How are foreign policies crafted? What are the options and constraints that political leaders face in shaping their decisions in international affairs? This course will examine foreign policy decisions at different levels of analysis, ranging from the individual, the state to the system level. Students will discuss and apply different theories and concepts in foreign policy analysis through a series of case studies.6.00
POL 320 – Asia and Pacific In their third year, Bachelor students will deepen their understanding of global politics by applying diverse concepts and theories from the main subfields of International Relations (IR) to three distinct geographical regions. The module focusing on Asia and the Pacific will explore the historical, geopolitical, economic, and socio-cultural dynamics influencing these regions along with their interaction with the wider global environment. This course aims to develop intercultural competences as well as an understanding of diverse worldviews necessary for engaging with the complexities of diplomacy and International Relations.6.00
POL 325 – Middle East and Africa In their third year, Bachelor students will deepen their understanding of global politics by applying diverse concepts and theories from the main subfields of International Relations (IR) to three distinct geographical regions. The module focusing on Middle East and Africa will explore the historical, geopolitical, economic, and socio-cultural dynamics influencing these regions along with their interaction with the wider global environment. This course aims to develop intercultural competences as well as an understanding of diverse worldviews necessary for engaging with the complexities of diplomacy and International Relations.6.00
IUG 3005B – Honours Project : Project Management Report Quantitative Methods (Plymouth) This module gives you the opportunity to investigate in-depth a specialist academic or practice-based topic for which you have a passion for knowing more within your field of study. The aim of the module is to facilitate investigation of a specific problem or area of study, enable synthesis of complex information and instil high level independent learning skills. This module focuses on helping students learn the basis of Qualitative data collection and analysis using qualitative data tools.6.00
IUG 3008 – Responsible Global Enterprise (Plymouth) This module will focus on the management of global enterprises in a responsible way. You will consider the various forces within the local and international environments that are likely to influence firms’ expansion activities, including location choice, entry mode, internationalisation patterns and growth strategies. You will also explore the pros and cons of globalization, the emerging trends in deglobalization, fair trade practices and responsible foreign direct investment (FDI). Finally, you will examine the costs and benefits of offshore outsourcing as a part of global supply chain management and in the context of corporate social responsibility (CSR).6.00
IUG 3009 – Managing Change (Plymouth) The purpose of this module is to develop students’ knowledge of change within an organisational context and key issues involved in the management of change. The module will adopt a critical management perspective to examine and assess a number of change management models and concepts. The module will focus on three areas: the use of problem structuring methods to elicit and share knowledge, an understanding of business processes and, in particular, an awareness of the human resource constraints in the achievement of effectiveness within organizations.6.00
IUG 3005A – Honours Project : Project Management Report Qualitative Methods (Plymouth) This module gives you the opportunity to investigate in-depth a specialist academic or practice-based topic for which you have a passion for knowing more within your field of study.The aim of the module is to facilitate investigation of a specific problem or area of study, enable synthesis of complex information and instil high level independent learning skills. This module focuses on helping students learn the basis of Qualitative data collection and analysis using qualitative data tools.6.00
IUG 3006 – Strategy and Leadership (Plymouth) This module brings a problem-focused view to Strategy, Leadership and their interaction through Strategic Leadership. Particular consideration is given to strategic analysis, the development, evaluation and implementation of strategies and appropriate styles of leadership which facilitate this. The ethical and moral responsibilities of leaders will be critiqued, along with the development of relationships between organisational decision makers, leaders, and followers, within businesses.6.00
IUG 3007 – Enterprise, Innovation and Creativity (Plymouth) The aim of the module is to develop an understanding of the concepts of enterprise, innovation and creativity within the context of a variety of organisational and market settings. Students will learn about and apply creative processes to develop an innovative and viable business concept as well as evaluating the resourcing requirements of the proposed business concept (both financial and non-financial).6.00
POL 330 – Latin America In their third year, Bachelor students will deepen their understanding of global politics by applying diverse concepts and theories from the main subfields of International Relations (IR) to three distinct geographical regions. The module focusing on Latin America will explore the historical, geopolitical, economic, and socio-cultural dynamics influencing these regions along with their interaction with the wider global environment. This course aims to develop intercultural competences as well as an understanding of diverse worldviews necessary for engaging with the complexities of diplomacy and International Relations.6.00
POL 498 – International Relations Capstone This capstone course reviews key issues in international relations with an emphasis on economic relations and foreign policy, international organization and multilateral diplomacy. It focuses on global governance in areas such as peace and security, energy and environment, human development and human rights, regional integration and cooperation.6.00
INT 3000 – Internship The Internship will provide students with an opportunity to put into practice skills they have learned.0.00