International Institute in Geneva

The International Institute in Geneva has both institutional accreditation and program accreditation.

The International Institute in Geneva has institutional accreditation by the British Accreditation Council (BAC) as an Independent Higher Education Institution. The British Accreditation Council (BAC) is referenced with the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR). 
BAC Complaints Procedure
BAC Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation Policy



The International Institute in Geneva is accredited by the Accreditation  Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). ACBSP is the first accrediting association for business schools  and programs with a focus on teaching excellence. ACBSP is recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).



The following programs are accredited by the ACBSP:

Master of Business Administration

Master of Arts in Digital Marketing and communication

Master of International Management

Master of International Trade & Finance

Master of International Relations and Diplomacy

Master of Business Analytics and AI



The Institute is referenced in leading education guides:

- "Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education" published by the American Council on Education
- "International Handbook of Universities" published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Association of Universities
- "World Higher Education Database" edited by the International Association of Universities (IAU)


Our quality management approach

Quality assurance is embedded in the IIG DNA and practices.
While quality has always been included in the IIG operating model through regular performance reviews, accreditations and sound process management particularly in academia, it has continuously evolved over the last year.
The IIG quality philosophy is based on a  strong process and performance management following the PDCA cycle (Plan / Do / Check / Acts).
The IIG Quality assurance approach starts with the Vision and Mission, declined into a 3-year strategic planning. The plan is then cascaded into the different departments - academic and non-academic functions - and key performance indicators are set in contribution to the strategic goals. The effectiveness and efficiency of the IIG processes are regularly reviewed as part of the committees’ agenda and actions are taken in case of deviations or abnormality.
Moreover, IIG has a set of policies ensuring that major issues are properly investigated following a root cause analysis with clear roles and responsibilities. The overall Quality approach is driven through a well-structured governance model made of different and independent bodies

IIG Quality Strategy booklet

Please click here to download it

Student Overall satisfaction

Alumni overall satisfaction 2022-2023

Curriculum Review programs satisfaction 2022-2023

Faculty overall satisfaction 2022-2023