International Institute in Geneva

The Institute's Library has a collection of over 4000 books and publications available to enrolled undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty. This stock is continuously updated to offer students and faculty the latest scholarly publications for their research.

Students have access

to electronic resources for their research
to newspapers and magazines
to other libraries in Geneva
to useful web sites

Electronic resources

Electronic resources

Students have access to electronic resources for their research, of which:


JSTOR data base (access to published articles of collections IV, VI and VII).
JSTOR offers high-quality, interdisciplinary content to support scholarship and teaching. The JSTOR digital archive includes more than 1,500 leading academic journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as select monographs and other materials valuable for academic work.

Ask the librarian for more information on how to access.

Newspapers and magazines

Newspapers and magazines

The library also subscribes to newspapers and magazines such as:

  • The Economist
  • Foreign Affairs
  • Foreign Policy (print and online)
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Le Monde Diplomatique (english, online)
Other libraries in Geneva

Other libraries in Geneva

Students have access to other libraries in Geneva, such as the United Nations Library

(please register with the IIG librarian first).

Opening hours

The current schedule is:

The current schedule is:


Mondays 09:00-17:00
Tuesdays 09:00-17:00
Wednesdays                  09:00-17:00
Thursdays 09:00-17:00
Fridays Open 1 Friday out of 2

The opening hours may vary from one term to another according to the schedule of assistants.