(en anglais)
(en anglais)
Dr. Katharina Rehfeld has published an article entitled "Effective Management of Volunteers" in the Journal of International Business and Diplomacy where she explores effective management within non-profit organizations, focusing on the role of motivation and organizational culture.
Dr. Claude Cellich has recently published a review of a recent book by HarperCollins entitled Split the Pie: A Radical New Way to Negotiate by Barry Nalebuff (2022) in the Journal of International Business and Diplomacy.
has published a new book on Machine Learning Techniques for Text. The book teaches the necessary skill set to process text data, balancing between need-to-know theory and hands-on practice. The content is grounded around different case studies.
Where to buy it
November 2022
Dr. Katharina Rehfeld has co-authored an article that discusses the learning of Siemens Healthineers a global and leading manufacturer of medical technology along their way to a customer centric organization by focusing on their employees as their most valuable customers.
Where to buy it: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-658-42173-1_4
Dr. Katharina Rehfeld has co-authored a new article. Using concrete examples from practical experience, the article discusses the possibilities for the application of People Analytics and illustrates how processes and activities within internal and external personnel marketing can be analyzed, evaluated, and optimized in a data-driven and targeted manner.
Where to buy it:
Short Abstract: How can policies on trade and culture be coordinated in such a way that both are enabled to flourish? This book makes the argument for moving from viewing trade and culture as "in conflict" to assessing the two fields in coordination—at the domestic, regional and international levels. Juneyoung Lee makes the case for a preference for negotiations and monitoring, as opposed to legalized dispute settlement. Informal law-making processes and preferential trade agreements are also addressed.
March 2023
This article seeks to contribute to studies on Communist women in a transnational perspective. It makes use of the CWM’s institutional documents from the early 1920s to shed light on the movement’s inauguration and delineate its ideas on women’s emancipation. The article researches such aspects of Communist women’s activities as gender division of labor, reproduction, and childcare; relationship with non-Communist feminists; and gender relations within the Communist movement.
February 2023
has published a co-authored book on the he Communist Women’s Movement. This movement, virtually unknown today, was the world’s first truly international revolutionary organisation of women. Formed in 1920, the Communist Women's Movement (CWM) mapped out a programme for women’s emancipation and participated in struggles for women’s rights. The book contains proceedings and resolutions of CWM conferences, along with reports on its work around the world. Most of its contents are published in English for the first time, with almost half appearing for the first time in any language. The book opens with a long introduction written by Daria Dyakonova that guides the reader through the text.
November 2022
Dr. Katharina Rehfeld has recently co-authored the following works:
The article discusses the possibilities for optimizing workforce management through the use of People Analytics and its significance for corporate controlling.
The representative study "AI in Recruiting: Emotions, Views, Expectations analyses the opinions and feelings of job applicants regarding artificial intelligence in Human Resources.
Articles about this study are also available at:
Has published an article on migration and digital technology. This forward-looking Research Handbook showcases cutting-edge research on the relationship between international migration and digital technology. It sheds new light on the interlinkages between digitalisation and migration patterns and processes globally, capturing the latest research technologies and data sources. Featuring international migration in all facets from the migration of tech sector specialists through to refugee displacement, leading contributors offer strategic insights into the future of migration and mobility.
February 2022
has published a book on Creative Solutions to Global Business Negotiations
The author provides a useful guide for business executives operating in today’s digitalized global economy.
January 2021
has co-authored a book with Dr. Michel Borgeon on Global Trade Strategies which analyses the interaction with trade institutions and businesses.
May 2020
has published a book on Geopolitical Analysis which explores a multidimensional approach to analyzse power rivalries in international relations
March 2020
participated as a panelist at the Global Trade and Blockchain Symposium on the topic "Ensuring inclusive tech in developing world"
December 2019
a édité la nouvelle édition de l'IIG Business Review.
Mars 2018
Télécharger l'IIG Business Review
a écrit un chapitre sur "International investment agreements and water resources" dans un livre édité par Julien Chaisse avec Cambridge University Press.
Décembre 2016
est le co-auteur du livre "Mathematics Higher Level Option 8: Sets, Relations and Groups".
est l'auteur du livre "Mathematics HL Option 8: Statistics and Probability".
est le co-auteur du livre "African Perspectives on Trade and the WTO".
Septembre 2016
qui enseigne le Management a écrit un article sur le thème des entreprises familiales où il analyse quelles décisions stratégiques ont contribuées matériellement à la survie au long terme des compagnies familiales opérant dans un environnement compétitif.
Octobre 2016
de l'International Institute in Geneva et Subhash Jain professeur émérite de l'université du Connecticut, USA ont publié la deuxième édition de leur livre sur Global Business negotiations.
Septembre 2016
a été nommée au Comité éditorial du Journal of Consumer Marketing.
éditeur pour le journal Euromarketing et critique de livres a passé en revue un livre : “The Art of Negotiation: How to Improvise Agreement in a Chaotic World”.
Octobre - Décembre 2015
a publié un article intitulé "Building trade finance infrastructure" dans le Commonwealth Trade and Investment Report.
a présenté un article au World Business Congress organisé par l' International Management Development Association et a un chapitre publié dans “Negotiation: Readings, Exercises and Cases”.
6ème édition
a publié un article intitulé "Evaluation of international and non-governmental organizations’ communication activities: A 15 year systematic review" dans Public Relations Review.
avec Benoit Aubert (Grenoble Ecole de Management) a publié un article dans le domaine du comportement des consommateurs intitulé "Towards a better understanding of the intention to use eHealth services by medical professionals: the case of developing countries" dans l'International Journal of Healtcare Management.
Novembre 2013
ont publié un livre intitulé "Exploring services marketing: a creative learning approach".
Decembre 2014
est l'auteur d'un livre qui analyse les enjeux contemporains en marketing international propres à la région Asie-Pacifique.